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Find The Penguin

Penguin Pest penguin easying in a lawn chair


What Is Find the Penguin?

Find the penguin is a fun hide and seek game where Penguin Pest Control hides penguin stress balls, basically little squishy toy penguins.

They are marked with a number. If you find one, call the office at 970-245-7711. Give them the serial number, and win a free pest control service.

How It Works?

Penguin Pest Control hides a penguin once per week. Then we post Facebook clues on a regular basis. The clues become progressively more obvious until on the last day we basically tell you where it is. The first person to find a penguin and call in the serial number gets a free service.

Rules of the Competition:

  • You can only win once. (Verified by the service address, & customer name)
  • The free service is only for general pest control on a residence or small business.
  • Existing customers CAN win. (However since existing customers have varied prices depending on their homes, their free service will be valued at the average price for a monthly service which is $71. This will be posted on their account as a credit.)
  • Penguin reserves the right to update the rules or cancel the competition at its discretion.
  • In order to claim your free service, you must like us on Facebook. 🙂